Membership is open to artists of all abilities and levels within North East Essex and Suffolk.
Our membership is limited to 60 members.
To enquire about becoming a Member please click the enquiry button or email our Membership Secretary at
Our Membership Secretary will then get in touch and invite you to a complimentary taster session*, prior to completing an application form. If our membership is full, after attending the taster session, you will have the option of going on a membership waitlist.
*Our regular painting together sessions are free to try as a taster session. However due to professional fees incurred, any workshops or demos run by visiting professional artists are not included as a taster session.
Membership subscription
The annual DAS membership subscription is £30, payable from January to January. Anyone joining after 1st September, a subscription of £30 is payable immediately and the following January, the subscription will be waived for 1 year.
Membership benefits:
Free access to our regular members’ painting together sessions in our programme, either held at the Assembly Rooms or at a local venue.
Access to occasional optional demonstrations or workshops run by professional artists/tutors, a nominal fee of will apply which is exceptional value considering the calibre of professional artists/tutors who visit. During painting together sessions a fee of £5 to £8 per member will apply. Charges for longer in-depth 1/2 day or full day workshops will be published in advance.
Full day painting outside in the summer.
Painting outside monthly on a Saturday morning. This is an extra activity while there is interest to do so from members.
An opportunity to have a page on this website to promote your artwork and include a link to your own personal website or social media.
An opportunity to exhibit in our annual exhibition.
A annual newsletter.
50% discount for a Munnings Art Museum Annual pass.
An annual Christmas social, charges may apply.
Members are permitted to bring a guest for a small guest fee. £5 for regular painting together sessions. Guest charges for longer in-depth 1/2 day or full day workshops will be published in advance.
Please note that there is no restriction on how many times a member can bring guests. However, the same guest is limited to 2 visits per year.
If you would like more membership information , please click the enquiry button below.
Our membership renewal form below is password protected. Please submit a membership enquiry for access.