Dedham Art Society
Membership Renewal Form
Dedham Village by Helen Morgans
The Dedham Art Society was established in October 1967, at that time it was known as the Dedham Arts Group. The name was changed to the Dedham Art Society at The AGM in 2018. Long established and an important part of Dedham life for approximately 54 years.
There is normally no tuition and members are encouraged to assist with the programme. We also occasionally have some exciting workshops and demonstrations with visiting professional artists. We meet twice monthly on Thursday afternoons in the Assembly Rooms in Dedham High Street. In the summer months, we include a variety of outdoor venues for painting and drawing. The group aims to hold one public exhibition each year. Exhibitors must be paid up members of the group and are required to assist with stewarding if exhibiting. If you wish to know more, about the society, please visit our home page where you will find links to our members gallery, our blog and programme.
The annual subscription is £30, payable from January to January. For anyone joining after 1st September, a subscription of £30 is payable immediately and the following January subscription will be waived for 1 year. If you are attending a session in the Assembly Rooms we ask for a £1 contribution towards hire costs. When we have demonstrations and workshops run by professional artists, members may bring guests. There is a charge for such 2 hour sessions to cover professional artist costs, which is usually £5.00 per member and £10.00 per guest. Charges for full day and 1/2 day workshops are published in advance.
In keeping with any relevant Covid-19 mitigation measures. We will always reviews practices accordingly, write to members and ask members to adhere to current legislation and be mindful of others.
Members contact details as per GDPR regulations will only be used when we require to contact you for various membership reasons, such as next venue, meeting dates or the newsletter. To enable us to do this we require you to agree to the collection of your personal data at the end of this membership form below. You will receive these communications unless you specify that you do not wish to receive them by emailing us at