Local scenes painted by a selection of members
Use the arrows to scroll right or left
The River Colne, Bridge House, Aldham by Jill Wilson

Dedham Parish Church by Helen Morgans

St Botolph's Priory, Colchester by Irena Massarella

Willy Lotts Cottage in Autumn Light by Graham Galaway

Field and hillock, Dedham by Francis Ryall

Woodbridge Tide by Sheila Martin

Highwoods Park, Colchester by Irena Massarella

Willy Lotts' by Marian Jones

Artillery Street by Francis Ryall

Wivenhoe by Irena Massarella

Summer, Old Harwich by Jill Raeburn Wilson

Flatford Bridge by Graham Galaway
Welcome to The Dedham Art Society
The Dedham Arts Group was founded in 1967 and is a well-established group meeting regularly for over 50 years. Initially, at the Littlegarth Studio, Dedham.
The change of name to the Dedham Art Society was agreed by members at the 2018 AGM, when the Assembly Rooms in Dedham became the new venue for meetings.
The Dedham Art Society (DAS) operates under a wider concept to include artists from all over Essex & Suffolk and upholds the spirit of the Dedham village and its neighbouring villages with landscapes much loved by the ground-breaking artist John Constable.
The Society is made up of professional and amateur artists of all abilities and skill levels.
Enjoyment of painting and the other arts continues to motivate the Society.
To enjoy our programme and benefits our annual membership subscription is £30, and £1 per meeting in the Assembly Rooms. Membership subscription is payable from January to January. Anyone joining after 1st September, a subscription of £30 is payable immediately and the following January subscription will be waived for 1 year.
When we have afternoon demonstrations and workshops run by visiting professional artists, there is a charge for such sessions, £5.00 per member and £10.00 per guest. Occasionally, we have 1/2 day or full day workshops, charges for these longer in-depth workshops vary and are published in advance.
What we do….
At the Dedham Art Society we embrace all art and mediums and enjoy the company of like-minded members who enjoy painting.
Opportunity to Exhibit
The society aims to hold an annual exhibition. Exhibitors must be paid up members of the society, exhibit their own work and are required to assist with stewarding if exhibiting.
Members also have the opportunity present work for exhibition in the Essex Rose Tea Rooms in Dedham, and have a page on this website to promote their artwork. With the option to include a link to their own personal website or social media.
Meet regularly
You do not have to be an established artist to join. We are a friendly group, with an enthusiasm for painting regularly. Members’ tastes and skills are wide and varied with a common interest in sharing and learning. This is reflected in our mixed progamme which has 2 session per month, 2-4.30pm on Thursday afternoons.
Our scheduled professional artist/tutor workshops and demos are interspaced with members painting together sessions. Whilst these sessions are themed, members are always free to paint their own projects.
Visiting Professional Artists
Our programme includes demonstrations and workshops hosted by prominent professional artists/tutors. Over the years we have included well known artist such as Hashim Akib, Colin Ayers, Susan Boddy, Roger Dellar, Margaret Glass, Lesley Lord, James Power, Liz Seward, Graham Webber, and Michele Webber.
Demonstrations and workshops
From time to time we include demonstrations in our programme but we mostly host workshops as our member prefer to be hands on and paint. Usually demos or workshop are from 2-4.30pm on our designated Thursday afternoons.
When appropriate we may schedule a longer 1/2 or full day workshop. Our demos or workshops are hosted mainly by visiting professional artist/tutors. However, from time to time some of our own DAS members host 2 hour sessions to share their practice.
Painting Outside and Visits
In the summer months we organise visits to interesting local venues for painting outside sessions (plein air).
Our Committee
Chair - Irena Massarella
Treasurer - Alan Stock
Secretary - Francis Ryall
Membership Secretary - Annette Hope Kent
Social Secretary - Marian Jones
Programme Co-ordinator (planning) - Janice Anjo
Programme Co-ordinator (bookings) - Marilyn Winyard
Committee - Helen Morgans
Committee - Mary Mudd
Website - Irena Massarella
Social Media - Billy Hamersley & Marilyn Winyard
Newsletter - Marian Jones & Allan Lazell
Our Constitution
Dedham Art Society. The name was changed at the AGM January 2018 by members of the former Dedham Arts Group.
The Dedham Arts Group was founded in 1967 by a few local amateur artists who enjoyed painting for pleasure.
Constitution of the Dedham Art Society 2020
1. Background
The Dedham Art Society was established in October 1967, although at that time it was called the Dedham Arts Group - founded as a group for local artists and artisans. It celebrated its 50th Anniversary with an exhibition in the Dedham Parish Church in 2017.
To renew interest and update the Group it was decided at the 2018 AGM to change the name to Dedham Art Society, stimulating interest in a younger group of artists. The Society aims to provide interest for all who enjoy Art in its many forms, both professional and amateur. We seek to help and inspire each other in convivial surroundings, have the benefit of outdoor painting sessions, meet up at Christmas and arrange a trip to another place of interest so that we stay for a few days and enjoy sketching, painting etc.
The Society enjoys the benefit of The Assembly Rooms in Dedham village as its base for its regular fortnightly practical sessions. In addition, during the summer months members arrange outdoor painting sessions at a range of local venues.
We undertake to produce a newsletter or regular emails that are sent to all members in order to facilitate good communication within the Society and to make members aware of local events taking place such as exhibitions etc.
2. Aims
The Dedham Art Society is a welcoming and supportive not-for-profit organisation open to local amateur and professional artists, who share a common passion and interest in all aspects of artistic endeavour and practice.
3. Membership
The current membership of the Society is around 60.
Membership requires completion of an annual online application form and payment of the annual subscription, currently set at £30 per annum
Annual subscription fees are payable annually and agreed at the AGM for the following year.
Membership will expire on 31st December.
Membership renewal subscriptions are due on 1st January.
Members who fail to pay their renewal subscription by 15th February are deemed to have resigned their membership.
Members need to renew their subscription before booking workshops.
In general Members are expected to attend at least 4 Sessions a year or membership may not be renewed the following year.
A member's personal contact details are needed by the Committee to help with the administration. They will not be available to other members unless he or she gives their express permission. The Society fully complies with GDPR, with members expected to sign a form to that effect.
Resignations by members must be made in writing; these will be acknowledged. Membership will now be deemed as finished after the 31st December of that year unless specified in the members resignation.
4. Committee and Officers
Day- to-day affairs are directed by a Committee elected at the Annual General Meeting. The Committee is comprised of Chair, Secretary, Treasurer, Membership Secretary, Programme Secretary, Social Secretary, Exhibition Secretary, Minutes Secretary and other Committee Members are elected every 3 years. Members retire by rotation each year but can be re-elected at the AGM.
The Committee also has the power to co-opt.
On every occasion that the committee meets, written minutes are produced and subsequently checked by the committee for accuracy prior to being signed by the Chair as a true and comprehensive record.
5. Finances
The Treasurer presents up to date records of monies held on behalf of members at every committee meeting, with Audited Accounts presented at the AGM. Annual General Meeting and other meetings
The AGM is normally held in March.
An Emergency General Meeting can be called by the Committee in matters that require the vote of the whole Membership and the same rules apply as at an AGM. Notice of at least 1 month will be given out to the whole Membership, prior to this happening. Committee Meetings are held approx. every 2/3months.
7. Exhibitions
The Society aims to organise a minimum of 1 exhibition during the year, with more if possible. If there is need for a Selection Committee, this can be voted in by the Committee.
Commission on sales, the rate as decided by the Committee, is payable to the Society's funds.
Exhibitions are for members of the Society, unless specific notice has been given that it is based upon different entrance criteria, i.e. an Open Exhibition where different rules will apply.
Exhibitions may require a hanging fee, and any works not collected at the end of an exhibition may attract a charge for storage. Fees per painting, will be decided by the Committee.
Please note: Exhibiting members are required to steward at exhibitions for members or to find a substitute if they are prevented from attending themselves. All exhibitors must fill in the required documentation on time and plan for their artworks to be submitted promptly or collected by a friend if they are unable to do so themselves. Failure to do so will result in the paintings not being hung.
IMPORTANT. Exhibits, i.e. all forms of paintings, ceramics, sculpture, wood carving etc., are displayed at their owner's risk. If works are required to be insured, that must be done by the individual artist. All principal artworks must be original and not shown at the last 4 exhibitions. The exceptions are folios and cards, which may be printed and can have been previously exhibited. The exhibition rules are sent to members before each exhibition and notes are made available for the guidance of stewards in the form of a Steward’s Handbook available at the main desk of the exhibition. We occasionally have exhibitions that are not stewarded.
8. Rules of Procedure
Rules of procedure accompany this Constitution, and are available on request.
9. Changes to the constitution
Any changes required to the Constitution will be drafted by the Committee and presented to the full membership before and at the AGM, for consideration and adoption through the process of voting.
IM 12.02.24 Agreed unanimously AGM 2024