2023 Exhibitions
From April to October 2023 members were excited to have an ongoing display and sale of their work at The Munnings Garden Cafe, refreshing the exhibition in June and August.
In November 2023, we held our first exhibition in a professional gallery at The Sentinel Gallery, Wivenhoe. From sales we were able to donate £400 to East Anglia’s Children’s Hospice. ‘Camouflage’ by Sarah Wylie was voted as "The Most Popular Painting" at the November exhibition. Sarah Wylie was presented with our DAS trophy at our AGM.
Dedham Art Society Summer Exhibition 2022
The Society holds its 2022 summer exhibition at Aldham Parish church on the 23 and 24 July in conjunction with Aldham open gardens weekend.
11am to 5pm Saturday
11am to 4.30pm Sunday.
All welcome.
Summer Exhibition Dedham Parish Church
23rd June - 29th June 2019
There will also be a display of Paintings by the pupils of Dedham Primary School.
We shall also be supported Dedham Therapy Farm click this link to go to their website.
The painting at the poster was voted as "The Most Popular Painting" at the 2019 exhibition. Helen Morgans was presented with a trophy.
Dedham Art Society Winter Exhibition 2018
It is with great delight that we announce this dedicated Art Exhibition. Many members of the Society have submitted their art to be shown at the Library in Colchester from 2nd December 2018 until 2nd February 2019. We invite all to come in from the High Street and browse the work that will be on show.
Artworks are available for purchase.... Merry Christmas to all.
WW1 Exhibition at Dedham Parish Church
From 9th November 2018 until 16th November 2018, Dedham Art Society Members exhibited there dedication to the heroes on and off the field of WW1. We understand it was very well received by members of the Public and has now been moved on to the new Chapel in the Colchester Barracks and will remain there until March 2019. The Artworks on show include those on the WW1 Page of this Website.
We are delighted to have been asked to do this and an update will be included later with information of how things are going on. click on the painting below to see progress re the now permanent collection at Colchester Barracks.
Spirits of the Poppy Field by Julie Taylor-Lange
Dedham Art Society Exhibition and Sale... Sunday 10th June 2018
At Aldham Parish Church, Aldham, Colchester
Open 11.00 am – 5.00 pm
A display of artwork by local artists which promised to be full of vitality, colour and originality was enjoyed by all who visited the Church and the Village.
The exhibition was in support of Aldham Open Gardens Day. Entry to the gardens was £5, and there were lunches and teas and a free bus.
Due predominantly to the superb organisational skills of Jill Wilson, and with special thanks also to Jan Gibbs our Exhibitions Secretary, a very successful one-day exhibition was held in the lovely setting of Aldham church, as part of the village’s Open Gardens Day.
And many thanks to a number of members who gave their time generously over the weekend in setting-up and dismantling the exhibition, and to those acting as stewards.
38 framed pictures were submitted from 20 DAS members. It was a valuable opportunity to showcase the work of our Society, with many compliments received regarding the high standard of the work on show.
A message subsequently from the Curate to Jill said ‘What a lovely exhibition it was’, and thanked the committee and other members for our ‘kind donation to the church as well’ resulting from entry fees collected.
Jill Wilson presented with a bouquet from DAS by Alan Lazell
Exhibition 2017
The 50th Anniversary Exhibition took place at Dedham Parish Church
24th to 28th October 2017
Supporting East Anglia's Children's Hospices (EACH)
Community Involvement
We felt it was important to include the community in this huge event. We did this in a number of ways. We supported a very worthwhile charity (EACH). Many local businesses combined with us in a number of mutually beneficial ways. The High Street of Dedham was packed for most of the week during the exhibition and business was booming, a testament to the positives that working together in the community can bring. We also exhibited artwork produced by children from Dedham Primary School and included their artwork on our posters.
We raised a staggering £2500 for the East Anglia's Children's Hospices.
A Timely Closing Ceremony
Lady Ruggles-Brise kindly handed out the prizes at the closing ceremony on Saturday 28th October, starting just as the clock struck 3pm, the time our group came into being fifty years ago! Our most popular painting prize went to Helen Morgans for her painting "Sharing A Secret".
Our most grateful thanks to all who supported us and to the Reverend Antony Wilson for allowing us to use the beautiful St Mary's Church in Dedham for our special exhibition.
The Future
We will continue to work with the community and build our connections as we move forward into next year as Dedham Art Society.
Images below
Lady Ruggles-Brise with Helen Morgans, the winner of the Dedham Arts trophy for her winning painting, "Sharing a Secret".
Avril Biggins with her paintings that were exhibited 50 years ago.
Angela Horner, in front of an "Artistic" flower display that the Church provided.